Oh help me please and help our landfill too. These silly little sachets are such a waste of resource, energy and effort that they are my latest candidate for BIN 101.
Any self-respecting condiment lover would need to use three or four of these annoying little tikes, to get anywhere near the same amount of sauce from simply tapping a condiment bottle's bottom.
What a waste. They're ugly little things and messy too. I don't want to send them to landfill, but I don't want to keep them either.
And don't let comments about health & safety sway you. There are many alternatives available.
So please, let me drop them into BIN 101, where there's hope they will be outlawed for good.
UPDATE: Hooray...Despite the odd objection the condiment sachets have been summoned to BIN 101, with 100% of voters voting YES!
Ah. I actually prefer these to the bottles when I'm out. At least they don't get caked with manky ketchup, the tartar sauce doesn't go off and you don't get people sticking their knives into the neck like some people I know do, something that if I see in a restaurant will probably make me heave.
Aaarrgh. There's a lesson there Richard...perhaps we should only use them if they're freshly open...heehee, but that would defeat the object ;-D
I quite like the alternative of ketchup dispensers which have been introduced into places like McDonalds. However they could do with reusable pots rather than the little flimsy cups.
Thanks for popping over. Nice to see you. ;-D
bin 101; definitely!
I hate these things; but I do see the idea that using ketchup some kid with arsey fingers has touched isn't that appealing either.
Regarding landfill waste though; it's a no brainer............
Hi Mrs A,
BIN 101 is an excellent blog dealing with actual waste items. My pet hate is aluminium combination waste where extraction of aluminium is difficult. Where will the waste end up. My preference is orbital satellite but how do we get the stuff off the ground?
Hi Mrs G - great to see your photo on here. It really does paint a nice picture doesn't it...eurrgh. Beware of sugar cubes too. I once saw a toddler bung one in his mouth and put it back in the bowl...aarrgh yuk ;-D
Hi John - thanks for popping over and for the comments. You've got a good 'un there with those aluminium\plastic packaging thingies. That's a perfect candidate for the line-up. If you please, consider it a guest entry for the next BIN 101 vote ;-D
Health and Safety should ban the wretched things. There are multiple dangers involved in just trying to open them, from splattering the room (but not your food) with sauce, to breaking your teeth trying to tear them open. BIN THEM!
I agree! The buggers never open where they're meant to, or without an inordinate amount of force.
Hi Welsh Girl - thanks for dropping by...don't you just hate those little tikes. Oh the teeth too....nasty business, the country could save millions in dental surgery. Thank you for agreeing. Come back soon. :-D
Hi Dotterel - Great to see you again. I know what you mean. You need the strength of Samson, a Scissors or Swiss Army Knife to manage it properly...definitely not my bag. :-D
Well guys, it looks like it's definitely BIN 101 for these naughty little imps. Thank you all for voting and commenting. It's time to await the next contender :-D
At the restaurant where I work we make our own tartre sauce every two days. We then put tiny portions in tiny porcelain cups. It looks nice and customers appreciate the freshness. If ketchup comes into the fray, we'll do the same. Make our own etc.
Hi Quail - you see, that just shows what's possible. Thanks so much for visiting and sharing that, I hope it will provide inspiration to others. I'd love to know which restaurant it is...I can recommend it to my friends ;-D
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